Japanese Professions Vocabulary – JapaneseUp

Japanese Professions Vocabulary


Shokugyoo Occupation
Japanese English
Japanese(romaji) English
1. daitooryoo president
2. daijin secretary
3. gi-in congress man
4. shichoo city mayor
5. shoogun general
6. hanji judge
7. kenji prosecutor
8. bengoshi attorney
9. shachoo company president
10. kaisha-in company employee
11. daiku carpenter
12. penki-ya painter
13. roodoo-sha laborer
14. jimu-in office worker
15. koo-in faculty worker
16. kantoku supervisor
17. kakari in charge
18. kakari-choo group leader
19. ka-choo section chief
20. bu-choo department chief
21. torishimari-yaku director
22. senmu executive dirctor
23. fuku shachoo vice president
24. soo shihai-nin general manager
25. kikai-koo mechanic
26. denki-koo electrician
27. haikan-koo plumber
28. noofu farmer
29. gyofu fisher man
30. juugyoo-in worker
31. komori baby sitter
32. yosai-shi tailor
33. seerusu-man sales man
34. unten-shu driver
35. sensei teacher
36. shoo-nin merchant
37. sooji-fu janitor
38. shinfu father
39. ama-san sister
40. boo-san monk
41. shoosetsu-ka writer
42. kokku cook
43. monouri vendor
44. gaido tourist guide
45. kashu singer
46. kaiyuu actor
47. joyuu actress
48. koo-choo principal
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